Store Pickup & Return

Customers can Pickup & Return Equipment from our location in Tallahassee, Florida near Heinz Nursery

Liberty Compact

Bradfordville Road

Tallahassee, Florida 32309

Operating Hours:

8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday to Saturday by appointment only

850-597-6367 Mobile

850-895-1881 Store

[email protected]

Delivery & Pickup Service

Liberty Compact Rental Services offer Delivery & Pickup within a 100-mile radius of Tallahassee, Florida at the following rates per distance from Bradfordville Road:

Within 15 miles- $100

16 to 25 miles- $200

26 to 50 miles- $300

51 to 75 miles- $400

76 to 100 miles- $550       

Operating Hours:

8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday to Saturday by appointment only

850-597-6367 Mobile

850-895-1881 Store

[email protected]